Posted by: Pam B. Newberry | May 14, 2012

Weather is daunting – Bees are a Thriving!

Hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day on Sunday, May 13, 2012!

These last few days, the weather has been a mixed bag of rain, sun, and more rain. Between fixing the newly acquired hives and making sure each of them have their personal “Queens.” We’ve been working in our veggie garden trying to get it ready for planting. The raspberries have begun to send out their lovely flowers and the honey bees are all over them. We’ve also seen the bees bring loads of pollen from several locations.

Beehive after a swarm – notice the bees working and the lack of honey or brood on the frame.


The four swarms we captured and gave to a fellow beekeeper, who had lost his bees this winter, are still thriving as well. We are so pleased. And, the bees we tried to capture from the old house, well, they are now living in an observation hive at our town’s visitor center. (For more on swarms, see an earlier post April Fool’s – No Joke!).

This weekend, May 19, the MEBA will have their spring workshop. We will travel out to a local beekeeper’s farm in the cove, and there we will have a chance to learn more about the lovely ladies and how well our hives are doing this time of year.

Here’s hoping you have a glorious week and bless all of you who are Mom’s! May your year be as lovely as your Mother’s Day!

Honey Cheers,
Hobbit Queen


  1. Gald things have calmed down, and all is right in your part of the world. As for this part, in the UK, after a month of contunual rain, we have hungry and burgeoning bee colonies. I have had two swarms in one hive, and a swarm then an unswarm in another!


    • Woohoo! Sounds like you’ve had a “weather” time, too! A swarm that “unswarmed”! Now that had to be interesting to see. Hope your bees are able to find plenty of good food!


      • Yes, well, things get swarmier and swarmier around here. Next time I attempt to give any advice about handling swarms, you have my permission to tell me to mind my own beeswax!


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