
It was a dark night in Greece when my husband came to me and shared his new idea. Just so you know, we don’t live in Greece. But, it was dark there just the same.

This blog came about because of that new adventure. My husband announced he wanted to try his hand at raising honey bees on our farm. October, 2010, we started a honey bee class to begin this new quest. And, I thought it’d be good to document what we learn. The idea is to chronicle our journey in hopes of inspiring others to care for their little plot of the world in order to help protect the honey bee. In doing so, it would be good if a few became inspired to do more for Mother Earth.

The plan is to share what we learn about honey bees and their life cycle, encounters with life on a small hobby farm, along with moments of reflection on life and death, and in the process, I might learn a little about myself.

Who is Hobbit Queen? I’m a fan of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis. Our farm, Hobbit’s Bend, is named such partly because it in the bend of a creek. One day when we first moved here, I referred to my husband as Hobbit King. He laughingly called me Hobbit Queen. He even named our little roof top boat we use, “Hobbit Queen.” To some, our creek would be called a river. The creek is dammed.  And, the dam is not far from our house; so the creek is wider and deeper than an average creek – about 40 feet wide and in places 15 feet deep.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog. I look forward to hearing from you and welcome your comments, ideas, thoughts, questions, and links. If you do like it, click on the Like icon. Come back often and let me hear from you!


Hobbit Queen

E-mail: hobbitqn@embarqmail.com


  1. Enjoy the blogging and the beekeeping. Good luck.


    • Thanks loads! I love reading your blog, too!


  2. Great to see another beginning beekeeper has taken up blogging. Good luck!


    • Hi Shelly…Thank you so much for your kind words! This is a fun adventure and we are so looking forward to building our hives and acquiring our bees in the spring. I’ll be placing your blog on the Blogroll! Great site!!! Cheers, Hobbit Queen


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